Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się tradycyjnie w pierwszy dzień wiosny pokazać kolejny kalendarz, który będzie ważny do marca 2014..Mam nadzieję, ale nie mogę tego obiecać..
Do zobaczenia..:)
Piccadilly Circus (Smena 8M)
Wiedeń Theseus Temple, Volksgarten, Hofburg (Agfa Solinar)
Mr and Mrs Hat ;) (Smena 8M)
I'll be back. With new energy. I don't know when it happens, but there's so much going on right now, that I'm not able to think of anything more than the offline world. I regret I can't visit you. I know, that without that factor this place doesn't make sense. And I'd prefer if it had.
I hope, I'll traditionally manage to show you another spring-to-spring calendar, which will be valid till march 2014..I hope, but I can't promise that..
I hope to see you soon..:)