To my Mum, but also to all mothers-those waiting, expecting, tired, smiling, but also to those who are sad, I'm sending wishes! Have a wonderful Mother's Day (in PL today is mother's day, don't be surprised;))
mama i córka/mother and daughter
U mnie dużo się dzieje, momentami nie ogarniam tego, ale idzie wszystko do przodu. Szykuje się duże, jak dla mnie wydarzenie- trzymajcie kciuki, żeby do 1czerwca udało się wszystko zorganizować:)) później będzie urodzinowe candy;)
In my world many things are happening, there are moments I feel overwhelmed, but everything is moving on somehow. I'm preparing to a big event, very important for me- so I'd like to ask you to keep your fingers crossed! I need to organize many things before 1 June:)) Later there will be a birthday candy;)